Saturday, March 30, 2013

Mountain Layers on beer box flats

This portfolio explores colour value gradients with monochromatic and/or analogous schemes.

Design Parameters and Criteria
Colour Scheme: monochromatic or analogous
Subject: mountain layer landscape with four values (3 layers and sky) 
Medium: acrylic on 10" x 15.5" liquor store flat box bottom
Formal Intention: compose value study, mix colour, push paint, create the illusion of atmospheric perspective
Format: landscape or portrait
Linear Layout: symmetry, dynamics, direction, parallel, focal point, size, shape, intersections, pattern, repetition, high and low points
Paint Application: lost and found edges, texture, painterly or linear, 
Elements of Art: texture, form, space, shape, colour, value, line,
Value Contrast: subject and ground, negative space
Title: thematic exploration or concept
What else can I do to compel engage and evoke the audience? 

Design Analysis Process
1. Make a thumbnail sketch in four values that match the four values in the painting. 
2. Squint your eyes and look and note the range of values in the painting.
3. Now draw the image with only two values. Squint your eyes and transpose four values into two values to see the big overall light and dark value composition. This is often referred to as figure/ground or positive/negative space. (4 values -> 2 values)
4. Next make thumbnails that transpose the four values in the painting into several variations of three values. (4 values -> 3 values)

Mountain Layers: Linda Gilarski

acrylic on 11" x 16" beer box flat
Linda Gilarski

-looks natural, believable and familiar
 -reminds Sara of L’île des Monts Déserts or Mount Desert Island in Maine
-broad brush strokes--used large brush
-mottled colour--mixed on the canvas rather than palette
-artist started with the darkest value and gradually added white to lighten/step up the values
-used analagous colours: mnts = violet / sky = blue
-reminds us of old wind carved / glacier worn / sweeping mnts
 -the big 2 value contrast looks like yin-yang or a light spoon on a dark ground
-resonance from simultaneous contrast
-invites the viewer into the picture space and beyond . . . 

Mountain Layers: Brenda Gordon

acrylic beer box flat
11" x 16"
Brenda Gordon

Mountain Layers: Sonja Huddleston

acrylic on 11" x 16" beer box flat
Sonja Huddleston

Mountain Layers: Jan Lehde

acrylic on 11" x 16" beer box flat
Jan Lehde

Mountain Layers: Sara Burr

acrylic on 11" x 16" beer box flat
Sara Burr

3-D of Colour

warm or cool

light to dark

INTENSITY (saturation)
chromatic clarity: bright to dull or nuetral